영어 문법 가이드 한정사: some/any/a little/a few
Determiners: some/any/a little/a few
문법 - 관사 복수 명사와 불가산 명사의 경우 의문문 및 부정문 에서는 any 를 사용하고 긍정문 에서는 some 를 사용합니다.
a few 를 복수 명사와 함께 사용하고 a little 를 불가산 명사와 함께 사용합니다.
QUESTION ? /NEGATIVE ⧿ : any POSITIVE ⧾ : some any /some + PLURAL /UNCOUNTABLE NOUNHave you got any apples ? Yes , I've got some apples .Have you got any sugar ? No , I haven't got any sugar .a few + PLURAL NOUN Have you got any apples ? Yes , I've got a few apples .a little + UNCOUNTABLE NOUN Have you got any milk ? Yes , I've got a little milk .예 - 의문문 : any QUESTION any NOUN Have you got any apples ? Have you got any milk ?
예 - 부정문 : any NEGATIVE any NOUN I haven't got any pens . I haven't got any water .
예 - 긍정문 : some POSITIVE some NOUN I've got some cups . I've got some coffee .
예 - 긍정문 : a few / a little POSITIVE a few /a little NOUN I've got a few cups . I've got a few oranges . I've got a little water .I've got a little sugar .
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